Be Creative

We enjoyed our annual family apple picking adventure this past weekend. To me, apple picking is the start of Fall and all the fun festivities that come with this wonderful season! Our oldest daughter loves the book, “Hello, World! How Do Apples Grow?” It’s a great educational book that pairs well with all of the fun apple activities for Fall! Including this apple seed counting and matching one! Linked below are the free printables and tutorial on how I set up this learning/matching game! 

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Materials needed:

Free printables:


Print and cut solid apples. You could also leave them on the paper but it was more of a matching game with individual pieces! 🙂

Print and cut out apple seed pieces. 

I decided to laminate my pieces to extend the durability of them; this step is optional (but highly recommended)! 😉

Cut out pieces again once laminated. 

I placed the apple seed pieces in this galvanized wagon, covered them with black beans and placed the red apples on top. This step is optional but I think it makes it more fun for your little ones to dig out and sort. You could also use a bigger sensory bin! 

Activity one:

Have your child match the apple seeds with the correct apple number and place them on top (similar to the inside of an apple)! 

Activity two:

I kept the white apples on a whole sheet of laminated paper and had my daughter place the correct amount of black beans “seeds” on each apple number. She really enjoyed both versions of these counting activities! Follow me along on Instagram and let me know if your little one enjoys this activity! Thanks for your support! ♥

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